Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Slashdot has a nice write-up of the nearly 10-year saga of SCO and it's legal action to basically inflate their share price and scare people from using Linux. They claimed they could prove Linux stole code from Unix, which they owned, and sued IBM who were distributing a version of Linux. This gamble initially worked, but it gradually became clear their code evidence was wrong and they did not even own Unix. But, as the article says, the "legal juggernaut ... could not be stopped". Well it's rolling to a halt now as SCO are bankrupt (again). While this is a good write-up (Groklaw has the most detailed), as one of the comments mentions, there is no naming of who perpetrated this. Most of the blame goes to crazy CEO Darl McBride, but also there is good evidence that a certain major software company bankrolled the action. Seems their latest operating system wasn't selling very well. *cough*vista*cough*

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